
The role of using mycorrhıza, seaweed and bıonutrıent to reduce the salt stress on nutrIent content, plant growth, malondIaldehyde (MDA) and prolIne In pepper

Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is an important vegetable crop in Turkey and also, salinity is big problem for some areas of Turkey. The experiment was conducted in Silifke V...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Solubility, density, conductivity, and phase equilibrium of NaBr – Ba(H2PO2)2 – H2O ternary system at 298 K

Composition-property diagrams of NaBr-Ba(H2PO2)2 -H2O ternary water-salt system, which is contained within A+, B++/ X-, (H2PO2)- // H2O (A+= Na+, Li+, K+, NH4+ etc.); (B+...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Pro-health potential of Prunus avium L. and Prunus domestica L. leaves cultivated in different water conditions

Leaves can be a valuable source of biologically active compounds that effectively protect the body against oxidative stress and resulting disease. The aim of the experime...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Cadmium accumulation in the scales of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) following exposure to cadmium in water

The aim of the study was to investigate the accumulation of cadmium in the scales of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio B.) as an indicator tissue of water contamination by...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Effects of nitrogen on growth parameters and photosynthetic characteristics of P. chinense Schneid. seedlings in three soil types

Soil type and nitrogen (N) are two important factors affecting plant growth and development, and photosynthetic physiological characteristics. However, there are still re...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Determination of some trace elements and heavy metal levels (Cu, Mn, Mg, Fe, Zn, Co, Pb, and Cd) in blood serum of patients with lip and oral cavity cancers

This study investigated copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) levels in the blood serum of patients w...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Correction of soil acidity with the cellulose industry residues in three andisols under wheat cultivation

Soil acidity is one of the factors affecting agricultural productivity worldwide, and it is corrected with materials from carbonates or hydroxides of Ca and Mg of differe...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Quince seeds as a potential source of mineral and biological active compounds

Seeds of fruit shrubs are herbal material of relatively low popularity and a narrow range of applications. The aim of the study was to assess selected quality characteris...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Effect of adding propolis extract to sorghum grain varieties on in vitro gas parameters

In this study, the effect of adding propolis extract to sorghum grain varieties containing different levels of tannin on the in vitro gas parameters was investigated. The...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Effect of foliar potassium and calcium applications on the nutrient status, fruit quality and yield of apple tree varieties

In this study, foliar potassium and calcium fertilizers were applied singly and combined to two different apple tree varieties in order to evaluate the effects of potassi...
27 czerwca 2024 r.


Człowiek jest tyle wart ile uczyni
dla drugiego

Prof. Julian Aleksandrowicz