
Content of elements and trace elements  in Austrian commercial dairy products

Screening of the elemental composition of various, commercially available dairy products should provide a tool for consumers and dietary advisers for making a proper sele...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Application and properties of aluminum in rocket propellants and pyrotechnics

Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. This metal is very reactive and is characterized by high heat of combustion. Aluminum is widely used in ...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Changes in the content of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Ni, Cr) in freshwater fish after processing – the consumer’s exposure

Fish is a desirable component of a diet because of its high nutritive value and sensory qualities. However, fish consumption is still low in many countries. The aim of th...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Mineral nutrient concentrations in the rhizomes of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) grown in different horticultural substrates

An experiment was conducted in 2014-2015 to determine the effect of different horticultural substrates on mineral nutrient concentrations in the rhizomes of ginger (Zingi...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Mineral composition of some edible flowers

Flowers are grown not only for their ornamental values but also for the nutritive, medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and aromatic properties. They are a rich source of many c...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Study on the content of heavy metals in plants which occupy active ash settling ponds of the Dolna Odra Power Plant

Ash, a by-product of combustion processes, should be treated as a substance which may replace natural raw materials. However, an unresolved problem is how to tackle ash s...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Effect of basic cation saturation ratios in soil on yield of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.)

A pot experiment was carried out in a greenhouse to investigate the influence of the percentage of Ca, Mg, K and H occupying the soil’s cation exchange capacity (CEC) on ...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Potential bioavailability of calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese and zinc from seeds of different chickpea and peanut landraces

Although seeds of many leguminous crops are rich in minerals, their availability to humans is limited due to antinutrients, e.g. phytic acid, which forms stable complexes...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Effect of various nitrogen doses on the accumulation of molybdenum, boron and iron in yellow lupine biomass

The availability of Mo, B and Fe is particularly important for legume plants since they live in symbiosis with bacteria in root nodules, which reduce atmospheric nitrogen...
27 czerwca 2024 r.

Phytoextraction of copper and nickel from soils characterized by different degrees of chloride salinity

Phytoremediation is a relatively modern technology that uses higher plants for the cleanup of polluted habitats. An example of this technology is phytoextraction, which u...
27 czerwca 2024 r.


Człowiek jest tyle wart ile uczyni
dla drugiego

Prof. Julian Aleksandrowicz